
News Flash: Christina is a Tool

FYI AMERICA - Christina Patricia Jeffrey is upset. Did her precious dog Lucy die? No. Did her disease-infested pillow get put in the paper shredder where it belongs? No. She is upset over an A- . Yes folks, an A- . Ridiculous? Of course. Surprising? Not really. Christina is an over-achiever, the girl that finishes the book or does the project the day it was assigned that we all hated in the 7th grade. Remember those kids? (shudder) Anyways, Christina recently recieved an A - on her report card, which I'm willing to bet my life on was her lowest grade of the semester. Is she happy? Negative. It is a blemish she can't shake. I got a B on my report card... am I crying? Nope, no tears here. Well, Christina... in regards to your grievance with your stellar report card, all I have to say is SOD OFF!

(Btw, xtina knowes i'm joking and that i love her to bits and i'd sponser her to go on jeopardy anyday to school those encyclopedia brittanica freaks. x o x o )

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