
Just some pickies

Julia likes to make fun of xtina any time she cam..for example...here is a nice photograph of xtina at her house in Scituate...because Juya is making this face and indicating that her looking at the photograph made her face look like that...it implies that this photograph is bad...bad bad bad.

Here is a picture of Xtina and Juya on halloween. Xtina is a devil and Juya is Xena, warrior princess. I think it has been mentioned before that Juya likes to pretend she is, in fact, a warrior princess and she can often be spotted dancing around her room in warrior clothing, fighting with the mirror. It looks like devil woman is about to slay xena...oh well.
Here is a nice photograph of xtina and juya at a local bar called Spatz. here you can see the height difference between the two women as xtina only reaches the upper breast area of juya.

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