
Kevin "Whip" Dunn

Kevin Dunn, known as "Whip Dunn" by friends, is my dad and he is the man. Kevin is on the directors board at Adams Harkness, an investment banking firm in Boston, Massachusetts. His favorite pastimes are playing golf, attempting the succeed at fishing, and cooking on our kick-ass backyard grill. Here are some funny things to know about Kev...
My grandmother was forced to tell Kevin at the ridiculous age of 12 that Santa wasn't real because kids in school were giving him massive shit. He is still traumatized to this day. Kevin was also suspended from Boston College High School with a couple of his friends for boozing in the football locker room before practice. Kevin once pushed his brother Mark down the basement steps, but denies it.

1 comment:

TwoMassholesandaGuitar said...

julia, your dad's hot. what's his number?