


You will be happy to hear that I am now the proud owner of a NANO mega straightening iron. You will no longer have to go searching for your straightener in the depths of my room because I have a new one and mine is better than yours so THERE.

Hopefully Julia will be coming to Maine with me this week to go snowshoeing. I'm a little nervous about letting her loose on my aunt's farm because the chickens run free and I'm afraid she will kill one, or all of them. She can be violent at times...... But if she does decide to join me, we will have some nice new pictures to post and some lovely stories of our adventures on the farm!

Tyra Banks is my hero. She will be the subject of my next post. Damn you, Tyra, for roping me into your stupid "America's Next Top Model" for 3 whole hours the other night. I can not believe I subjected myself to that spineless, shallow crap. I'm getting dumber.

And as for that post about my A-.......that was totally taken out of context I was complaining about an A- in POETRY. I mean, come on, if it was an A- in some hard class then that would be FINE, but it's POETRY. Poetry of the Earth..... how hard could it possibly be? So there....Julia... don't make me look like a smartypants...and last time I checked, kids that put off their book reports until the last minute and never actually read the books but still got A's were not considered to be "Overachievers" they were just naturally brilliant.

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