So...the first pickie is of our brilliant bomb shelter casa...I'd tell you the address but then I'd be afraid that some random dude browsing blogs would find us to be semi attractive and want to come over to one of our bonfires in the backyard. That is totally not safe so I will refrain from giving our address. But I will tell you one thing, our neighbor, PAT, is mad cool. I think the only word I can use to describe her would be nonchalant. She's just so...... carefree...or so it seems. She also likes to sing opera early in the morning which is cool because I'd rather be woken up by a woman singing opera than some drunk college kid puking in a trash can outside a dorm room.
The second picture is of Christina's brilliant mother SUE. Now.. there is a lot to be said about Sue but I will try to keep it short. For starters, BIG SUE is not big at all...she's actually only 5'3" on a good day. I can pick her up and I like to on a regular basis. This is Xtina writing by the way.... Sue and I looked identical as wee tots. I actually used to love this really cute picture of who I thought was me as a kiddie but it turns out the photo is actually Sue as a child. I think she was cuter. Oh well.
This photo is of Sue when she came to visit me while I lived in Galway, Ireland. We were just sitting outside of a cafe having a beer, minding our business, when this lovely lad came over to have a chat. Of course, he was pissed drunk out of his skull so my poor mother got a REALLY nice feel for the essence of Ireland. She decided that she wanted to make friends with him as she'd just given a lighter to 2 bums about an hour before...she was on a roll! So he stayed and slurred his way through a few stories of how Ireland used to be and bla bla bla bla. I think he loved my mom. Who wouldn't, though...really.
The third picture is of my mother...once again. We were just walking along the sidewalk in Westport, Mayo, Ireland, when all of a sudden...BAM. Sue is on the ground. Of course I thought she was being a wimp and demanded that she get up and walk to the hotel but nooooooooooo she continued to whine. WAAAAAAAAAA MY ANKLE. Ugh I was so mad. But.. then it turned out that she actually did break her foot doing absolutely nothing so I felt like a huge jerk and went to get help. I found a band of merry drunk Irish lads on their way to the pubs... So the lads and their taxi driver carried my mom to safety!