
2006: A Clean Slate?

This is a picture of what Glasgow looked like when I arrived there last year. Looks a bit like outside my window right now - buts its Scotland so it was sooo much better.
Don't you just love New Years? You get to start all over. Everybody get s a second chance. Starting a year with a clean slate, personally or even in general "the world" is a pretty amazing thing. However, I would just like to point out that I think it sucks that 2006 is already dented in a few big ways. Two days ago a skating rink roof in Germany collapsed upon dozens of families using the facility, resulting in many fatalities. Just as of this morning, news arrived that 12 of 13 trapped miners 260 ft below the surface of the Sago Mine in West Virginia (yes folks, the sketchy baptist state) had perished as well. Wierd, since the families of the victims were gievn false hopes only hours before that their loved ones had survived and were to be rescued. This is all sad. I wonder what else 2006 will bring? I personally would like a repeat of 2005, because I'd be walking up to 21 Maclay Hall right now for the first time, attempting the juggle my massive luggage while trying to get my key in the lock. Why aren't I there! ): Despite the sickening longing feeling I get thinking about that, I can revert my thoughts to something much more happy!
Jordan and I are going to the omni theater today to watch a nature show. I like nature shows. Especially when I am stoned. Whooooooo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like nature.