
I don't know about you, but I'm convinced.

Dear random girl from a bunch of random shows and movies,

 The way you slightly tilt angle your chin downwards so you can sheepishly stare at the viewers does not make me believe you are a member of the migraine club.  This commercial makes me feel strange...like I should be ashamed of my migraines. You're not in a Plan B commercial, random girl.... you're in a headache commercial. If you wanted to endorse this product as a great hangover helper, your creepiness might be warranted.

I'm not sure why Excedrin hasn't forked over some cash for a new commercial.   I don't even think they made it in HD....so not only does this commercial pretty much cause migraines, it reduces my screen to a stupid little low def box. 

After combing through the youtube comments, I've pulled a few goodies...

"Your face is giving me a migraine"

"She needs to fix that gap. And she just looks like she would have really bad breath. Like chlorine."

"I can't be the only one that thinks she looks like a younger, female Craig Ferguson (especially in that last shot)?"

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