
Vintage Revival

Okay - so, I don't watch Nick at Night, I don't shop at vintage clothing stores, and I never watch AMC or TMC - BUT there are few things that I think we should try and bring back from earlier eras. A) Old names - where are all the Judys, Berthas, Dorothys, and Bettys? I like these names - they need to come back. B) Suspenders - Sooo fucking cool. I'm not talking Pee Wee Herman suspenders, but fashionable ones for men and women. C) The Milk Man - I don't know about you but I'm pretty sick of driving all the way out to Publix to get fucking skim milk. Its not my fault I have a roomate that chugs about 3 pint glasses of the stuff a day? Yes - Christina loves milk, I think she should work for Hood. D) Book Burnings - What a heated way, -literally- to show your hatred of a book. I don't know about you, but I would love to burn my Chemistry book. Why can't we still have public book burnings? Why do they need to be seen as angry occassions - can't they be social gatherings? Finally, E) Old English - Tis, Thy, T'was, Thou, Hither, Ye... these words are fucking cool Bring those bitches back. Bring Ye olde bitches back!

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