So...I was trying to explain this whole, saying goodbye to people thing. Actually I was quite intoxicated when I came up with one of my ridiculous theories that usually turn out to be a complete load of bullshit when I wake up and recall what I'd said...but this wasn't quite as ridiculous. I was thinking that every time you move somewhere new, you leave a few people behind and a few stay with you. So you move through a series of strainers....yep, I said the blue plastic strainer from my kitchen that has a big crack down the middle that I use to strain my macaroni and cheese.
So, when you're little...your strainer has big holes. You let most people through because let's face it, your people skills aren't that terrific and you are basically stuck with the kids from your class anyways. As you get older, the holes in your strainer start to close up a bit. You start to sift through the rocks...the finer, smaller grains are the only ones you let through. Now that doesn't mean you just let through the small fries of the don't have to literally picture a strainer full of people and only the anorexics making it through (god forbid all your friends be a wee bit one would be left!)...but your holes just start to close in the way that you want them to...
You start to figure out the types of people you want to take with you...and the types that you want to leave behind. So...every time you move, graduate, take a trip, get a job, lose a job, lose a friend, gain a friend, fall in love, get dumped, get in a fender bender, give a homeless person some change, make conversation on a plane, visit a museum, go to a movie, hold a hand, hold a baby, wake up in the morning and pour yourself a cup of coffee...the holes in your strainer get a little smaller...
eventually all you're left with are the finest grains.

yea I know... I'm so cheesy. It's raining and I'm not in the mood to be funny.
1 comment:
you lied!!!!! You did not update your blog.
I am sooooo.....arghhhhhghhhhg
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