We've dragged it out long enough....
We are finally saying goodbye to Winter Park, Florida. We have been hanging around for the past couple of weeks for no particular reason. It's funny, because for the past few years I've bitched and moaned about this place but when it comes down to it, I'm actually pretty sad to be leaving....
We were joking around about just living in different houses around here all summer...not doing much of anything... partying.. sort of looking for jobs...etc etc etc... I think both of us were actually half serious but neither one of us has the balls to rebel like that. I'm not sure how I'm going to take having to temporarily live at home again. Scituate, Massachusetts is about 45 minutes away from Boston soooooo that pretty much kills my crazy party habits that I've adopted in the past few months.. not to mention there is no Fiddlers nearby so forget happy hour trivia...ouch. thats a big let down.
But I guess it's time to get moving... turn the page. Who knows when I'll find my way back here. I don't think either of us has any intention of ever living here again but... we'll certainly come back for a visit every now and again...
So basically.... we decided that we needed to have one of these things so that we could empty our thoughts onto the computer. We have a lot of thoughts so... bare with us...we can be intense at times.
Introducing: Aria Broughton...Kiwi of the Year

This chick is unbelievable....she's a Maori...native New Zealander from the south island...Christchurch... I met her in ireland bopping around the country in her converse sneakers and worn out black pin stripe blazer...we were buddies immediately. I don't think we spent a day apart after we met...well we worked together and that's a whole different story but we partied pretty much every night too... I don't think we spent much time just staying in.... if she were to attempt to sleep late on Sundays... I'd let myself in her apartment and run right up to her bedroom. Then I'd force her into the sunny irish air and make her sit and drink cans with me while all the crazies juggled and did weird circus things around us.
Aria is now back in New Zealand after a year in Ireland and we are getting back in touch by writing little novels to eachother by e-mail.... a couple of "Aria" quotes from her last e-mail will further my efforts to try and make all of you understand how priceless she is....
(remember to do a new zealand accent in ur head when reading this..)
"Its so funny reading ur e-mails....i can hear ur wee cheesy American accent in my head...is good cheese though, don't get offended....like brie or feta.....mmmmmmmmmm."
"She is working with her "best friend" in top shop making the jewellery stands look pretty for like 50 cents an hour. Shes still fat in fact she is now considered her own free state. The Republic of Sarah Louise (R.S.L) I think its called..... where u bitch about everyone, eat constantly, belch, fart and eat the stuff out of your bellybutton if u are gross enough to have stuff in ur bellybutton that is. I remember when she told me that she diid that...haha."
yea-- shes a funny girl. I miss her so I told her I'd write this about her today.

So....now what?
It's totally weird...this whole graduating thing. I mean, it's cool...I've been waiting to get out of Florida now for 4 years but I have to say I have found some not-so-terrible things about this place. Actually, that's an understatement. I have had a great time, especially this past year, living in Florida. Now, that doesn't mean I'm going to pack my things from Boston and move them all down here for good, but I will come back to visit....
So...I was trying to explain this whole, saying goodbye to people thing. Actually I was quite intoxicated when I came up with one of my ridiculous theories that usually turn out to be a complete load of bullshit when I wake up and recall what I'd said...but this wasn't quite as ridiculous. I was thinking that every time you move somewhere new, you leave a few people behind and a few stay with you. So you move through a series of strainers....yep, I said strainers...like the blue plastic strainer from my kitchen that has a big crack down the middle that I use to strain my macaroni and cheese.
So, when you're little...your strainer has big holes. You let most people through because let's face it, your people skills aren't that terrific and you are basically stuck with the kids from your class anyways. As you get older, the holes in your strainer start to close up a bit. You start to sift through the rocks...the finer, smaller grains are the only ones you let through. Now that doesn't mean you just let through the small fries of the world...you don't have to literally picture a strainer full of people and only the anorexics making it through (god forbid all your friends be a wee bit chubby...no one would be left!)...but your holes just start to close in the way that you want them to...
You start to figure out the types of people you want to take with you...and the types that you want to leave behind. So...every time you move, graduate, take a trip, get a job, lose a job, lose a friend, gain a friend, fall in love, get dumped, get in a fender bender, give a homeless person some change, make conversation on a plane, visit a museum, go to a movie, hold a hand, hold a baby, wake up in the morning and pour yourself a cup of coffee...the holes in your strainer get a little smaller...
eventually all you're left with are the finest grains.

yea I know... I'm so cheesy. It's raining and I'm not in the mood to be funny.
So...I was trying to explain this whole, saying goodbye to people thing. Actually I was quite intoxicated when I came up with one of my ridiculous theories that usually turn out to be a complete load of bullshit when I wake up and recall what I'd said...but this wasn't quite as ridiculous. I was thinking that every time you move somewhere new, you leave a few people behind and a few stay with you. So you move through a series of strainers....yep, I said strainers...like the blue plastic strainer from my kitchen that has a big crack down the middle that I use to strain my macaroni and cheese.
So, when you're little...your strainer has big holes. You let most people through because let's face it, your people skills aren't that terrific and you are basically stuck with the kids from your class anyways. As you get older, the holes in your strainer start to close up a bit. You start to sift through the rocks...the finer, smaller grains are the only ones you let through. Now that doesn't mean you just let through the small fries of the world...you don't have to literally picture a strainer full of people and only the anorexics making it through (god forbid all your friends be a wee bit chubby...no one would be left!)...but your holes just start to close in the way that you want them to...
You start to figure out the types of people you want to take with you...and the types that you want to leave behind. So...every time you move, graduate, take a trip, get a job, lose a job, lose a friend, gain a friend, fall in love, get dumped, get in a fender bender, give a homeless person some change, make conversation on a plane, visit a museum, go to a movie, hold a hand, hold a baby, wake up in the morning and pour yourself a cup of coffee...the holes in your strainer get a little smaller...
eventually all you're left with are the finest grains.

yea I know... I'm so cheesy. It's raining and I'm not in the mood to be funny.
Ali Dunn Memorial Race

Okay all you avid runners out there - which is not me - graduation is over and your heading back home wherever that is, but I just wanted to give a heads-up to the New Englanders that like to run that my cousin Alison's 5th anniversary roadrace is going to happening in Jamestown, RI on Sunday, June 4th (Jamestown is right over the Newport bridge). Its only $15 to enter and offers a scenic 5K loop for runners of all ages and skill levels. Although I won't be attending this year, I know alot of you are from the area so I urge you to go check it out! For more information, go to http://www.alisrun.com.
Vintage Revival

Okay - so, I don't watch Nick at Night, I don't shop at vintage clothing stores, and I never watch AMC or TMC - BUT there are few things that I think we should try and bring back from earlier eras. A) Old names - where are all the Judys, Berthas, Dorothys, and Bettys? I like these names - they need to come back. B) Suspenders - Sooo fucking cool. I'm not talking Pee Wee Herman suspenders, but fashionable ones for men and women. C) The Milk Man - I don't know about you but I'm pretty sick of driving all the way out to Publix to get fucking skim milk. Its not my fault I have a roomate that chugs about 3 pint glasses of the stuff a day? Yes - Christina loves milk, I think she should work for Hood. D) Book Burnings - What a heated way, -literally- to show your hatred of a book. I don't know about you, but I would love to burn my Chemistry book. Why can't we still have public book burnings? Why do they need to be seen as angry occassions - can't they be social gatherings? Finally, E) Old English - Tis, Thy, T'was, Thou, Hither, Ye... these words are fucking cool Bring those bitches back. Bring Ye olde bitches back!
Good Times in the Strong Hall Courtyard - By David Micheal Dwyer

So just recently a good friend of mine purchased a sling shot. Originally the plan was to get a couple of water ballons and fire them around the courtyard...however a few beers later our attention was firmly set on NCM. Okay, so we have no idea who these bitches are, but do they realy desrve to be bombarded with water ballons, ketchup bottles and dairy products at 10pm on a Sunday evening? The answer is simple....Yes! The fact is, is that we just don't care, nobody in ATO cares about anybody else on campus, hell...we don't even care about each other! I hope all the windows in NCM that were broken get fixed soon, not because I want the women inside to feel safe again...I want them fixed so we can break them again. If they don't get fixed then what the hell...watch out KD!
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