
VH1's Christmas Trees: Behind the Pine Needles

You buy them, decorate them, and water them - but whats the real story behind the fragrant Christmas Tree standing in the corner of your living room... Here are some intersting facts -

* The first decorated Christmas Tree was in Riga, Latvia in 1510.
* Christmas trees have been sold commercially within the US since 1850.
* At one point the government banned a Christmas tree decoration- this was tinsel, because it contained lead. Now, it's made of plastic.
* 32.8 million Christmas trees were purchased in the US in 2005.
* Christmas trees are grown in all 50 states including Hawaii
* In 2002, 48% of all Americans had fake Christmas trees - ew.
* Thomas Edison's assistant, Edward Johnson, came up with the idea for electric lights on Xmas trees in 1882.
* Boston's Christmas tree at the Pru has been donated by Nova Scotia in gratitude for the city's help in offering supplies to them when a ship exploded follwing a collision in Halifax, Nova Scotia harbor, that leveled part of the city killing thousands.

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