Why is it that men tend to cheat on their girlfriends with nasty ugly permiscuous women? I mean, come on...if you are going to cheat pick someone that is semi good looking and somewhat of a challenge. At least make it look like you REALLY needed to do it because the girl was just so hot and just such a catch. But just screwing some ugly girl who screws anyone anyways is just plain old silly and kind of a shot to my ego.
Also, I just don't understand why guys have the nerve to cheat and then think that they are great enough to get away with it. If you are going to cheat, don't expect for things to get back to the way they were pre-cheating incident. If the girl is dumb enough to take the guy back then that's swell..they're meant for eachother; equally stupid. It's kind of humorous to watch a guy, so cool and collected most of the time, completely break down, cry, obsess, cry and cry when they just don't get what they want.
WAAAAAAAAH, you freakin baby.