I had written a list of reasons why I am sorry I have not written. This list was nicely typed in the "create post" window of this blog editor until my lovely macintosh decided to unexpectedly quit which, I think, was a sign that I had not written the post as wonderfully as it could have been written...
After all, I'm going to make a sick attempt at a comeback, people. A number of things have happened since I last contributed to this humorous site. I used to write everything down. I used to think I was quite good at expressing humor on paper. The sarcasm and dry humor was sucked out of my writing shortly before quitting altogether. I don't know why this happened but I'd like to say that investment banking and my 40-hour a week commitment to the profession had something to do with it. Yikes, banking is not for silly, immature maniacs like myself.
So, I'd like to share with you all something that has made my life quite happy over the past month. I have developed a hysteric love for obese cats. I don't know why, but every time I see a picture of a morbidly obese cat, I can't help but tear up from laughter. I know, I know... I'm sick. I have a picture of a whopper of a tabby pinned up on my desk. I think my colleagues think I'm weird but hey, I'd rather be weird than boring because at least weirdos are entertaining. To be a bore, well, that's inescapable.
I'm going to leave you with a few photos of some fatcats I think you'll enjoy....
I'm going to make more of an effort to keep this up because my sidekick has done so and I'd hate to be thought of as a quitter. Write write write. Always write. Writing is such a great thing. It has always been such a remedy for me. So, I hope you enjoy the cats. If you think I'm a sicko, well, that's your problem, not mine.
UPDATE: I have an overweight cat and I am doing my best to get him to lose weight, despite my infatuation with fat cats.