
Sucks for Mother's Day

I just want to voice a small grievance I have in respect to my mother and all mother's everywhere that have one of their own graduating from Rollins College on May, 14th 2006 - i.e Mother's Day. I feel a bit bad. I mean, mother's everywhere who have worked their ass off for the past 21-22 years for their kids get one day a year to bask in the love of family members, recieve gifts, cards, maybe even get a bit tipsy. But this year, our graduation lands on Mother's Day and I really believe it takes away a bit of the holiday's thunder. Happy Mother's Day Mom! Oh wait - this day is all about me. Wouldn't you feel kinda bad. Dean Nielson, lets pick a more appropriate day next year.


A Glimpse into Tori Spelling's Demented Childhood

It seems to be, that the shopping-loving, nose-job, lousy with "virginity" (as of West Beverly High) Tori Spelling, sprouted her roots of stupidity at a very early age with the help of her billionaire father, Aaron Spelling. Despite his enormous wealth, Tori's dad spent alot of his time browsing through cheap beach shops in California, collecting elaborate shells. He would then place the shells along his private beach and when Tori was a child, let her walk down the shore and collect them. Finding such large and beautiful shells everywhere, Tori was quoted saying that she remembers those times fondly as being "magical experiences", and was apparently "extremely upset and dissapointed" as a teenager when she found out that the shells were merely purchased at some junk-shop by her father. Sorry Tori. No magic there.


Ok...Tom and Katie are just plain ridiculous

Give it a rest, guys. You are a couple of nutcases that need to chill out on all your crazy childbirth scenarios and what not. OOOOOOOO Katie's having Tom's baby. Big freakin deal. Everyone has kids and oh my god...a weathered, once hot but now incredibly creepy a-list actor knocked up a hot young terrible teen tv series hobag. And better yet, he is making her adopt all of his bizarre religious ways because of course he has nothing better to do with his time than convert his dumbass fiancee and publicize all of the wonderous teachings of his scientology nonsense. Ok I'm not knocking scientology because I really don't know much about it but I mean, come on, a silent birth? Cruise wants Holmes to have her kid silently. I'm sorry but lets shove a watermelon up Tom's ass and make him get it back out in a cool calm and collected manner...no swearing...no coaxing from doctors...silence. Yea, okay. Just admit it, Tom...you got your young girlfriend pregnant and you're doing everything in your power to make it look like you're still a stellar individual. Well I have news for you, Tommy boy... you're short and outdated. Thank god for viagra, right?

And what the hell was the deal with that pathetic parade of bullshit on the Oprah show last year? EWWWW Tom lost his cool with that one, but honestly, did he ever have any to begin with?

The stupid shit this guy does just keeps getting more and more idiotic..."Kiss me Kate" written on the nose of his P-51 mustang plane...wow talk about ruining a perfectly good thing with 3 words.


Ode to Appliance Direct


Ok...so anyone who lives in central florida has seen this godawful, yet incredibly addicting commercial that plays for hours on some random channel...Seriously it might be the most annoying commercial I've ever seen... or is it an infomercial? I mean, I guess it's an infomercial but who needs to watch hours of some jolly asian man and unattractively 80'sed out lady with poofy hair talk about washing machines and refridgerators for that long? I get the point...their prices rock and their appliances are to die for but seriously...I only need 30 seconds or maybe a minute to get the point. But still...I just can't stop watching it when it's on tv.

Which brings me to my next point... answering machines...why is it that when you call someone the answering machine lady voice has to tell you all of your options before you can leave a message.... "to page this person press..." "this call has been forwarded to an automatic voice messaging service..." bla bla bla I mean really...NO SHIT when someone doesn't pick up you get an answering machine. No need to be redundant. I mean, come on...I've waited long enough. Give me a break, OK? Ugh...patience.....I have none.

Happy Monday.



Warrior, Bard, Mom?

Just want to give a shout-out ~ congratulations ~ to Renne O'Connor on the birth of her new baby girl Iris! Renne, or Gabrielle as we know her on "Xena: Warrior Princess" gave birth on March 19 and is now a single mom of two! (son Miles, 2001) Renee recently divorced her husband Steve Muir in early 2005 and had Iris with her now-boyfriend - what is his name?! No one knowes! What's with the privacy Renee? Unless you were impregnanted with Dahok's demon child again.... nah the baby is too cute. But then again, so was Hope - until she started killing folks!